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MAY 13-17, 2025

The goal of Seek and Save is to bring the hope of Jesus to Houston, TX and other cities in the United States.
Seek and Save will bring hope alongside key partnerships such as Convoy of Hope, Teen Challenge,
Chi Alpha, Youth Alive, Intercultural Missions, and Church Mobilization, to provide services such as,
but not limited to: 1. Food distribution 2. Strategic evangelization 3. Community service projects or cleanups 4. Facilitate the rescue of missing persons 5. Revitalize the physical structures of community churches 6. Community festivals with a variety of activities and vendors for children and adults

Seek & Save Houston

El objetivo de Buscar y Salvar es llevar la esperanza de Jesús a Houston y a otras ciudades de los Estados Unidos. Buscar y Salvar brindará esperanza junto a alianzas clave como Convoy of Hope, Teen Challenge, Chi Alpha, Youth Alive, Misiones Interculturales y Church Mobilization, para brindar servicios tales como, pero no limitados a: 1. Distribución de alimentos 2. Evangelización estratégica 3. Proyecto de servicio comunitario o limpieza 4. Facilitar el rescate de personas desaparecidas 5. Revitalizar las estructuras físicas de las iglesias comunitarias 6. Festivales comunitarios con una variedad de actividades y vendedores para niños y adultos

SEEK & SAVE 2025


Training for Seek & Save
CapacitaciĆ³n de Evangelismo

March 1, 2025. (1pm Pnuema Church)
Training for evangelism and outreach for Seek & Save 2025 by Dwight Miranda. There will be a 30 min. evangelism outreach hitting the streets and homes after the training. 

Capacitación para evangelismo y alcance por Dwight Miranda. Habrá un tiempo de evangelísmo de 30 minutos, que visitará las calles y los hogares después de la capacitación.

How can I serve?
Como puedo Servir?

1. Prayer Teams: Pray for the city and the event, covering all activities in intercession.
(Equipo de Oracion) 

2. Evangelism Teams: Participate in witnessing and prayer in designated evangelism zones.
(Equipo de Evangelismo)

3. Outreach: Participate in the multiple scheduled outreach activities Wednesday through Saturday.

4. Service Projects: Engage in community service initiatives such as neighborhood cleanups, food pantry assistance, or park beautification.
(Sirviendo la communidad)

5. Event Support: Help with logistics, such as setting up and running block parties, children’s activities, or food distributions.
(Voluntario en los Eventos)

6. Specialized Ministries: Work with partners like Convoy of Hope for grocery packing and distribution or assist with human trafficking rescue initiatives.
(Trabajando: Dispensas, or rescato de trafico humano)



Superintendent TLHN
Pastor J. Alfaro
Seek & Save Coordinator
Bert Pizarro
THLN Offices
Rene Solis
THLN Evangelism & Houston Coordinator
Anahi Cortez
San Antonio & Austin Coordinator
David De la Rosa