God has sent the whole Church into all the world with the whole gospel. On the night of His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21, ESV)
Tema: ENVIADO. En la noche de Su resurrección, Jesús dijo a Sus discípulos: “Como el Padre me envió, así también yo os envío” (Juan 20:21). El Padre envió al Hijo, el Padre y el Hijo enviaron al Espíritu, y Jesús envía a Sus seguidores.
March 10, 2025. (9am) Tee Colovista Golf Club Bastrop, TX. Entry $125 player. Supporting U.S. & World Missions. For more info email: GSOTO@TXLAHISPANIC.ORG
The goal of Seek and Save is to bring the hope of Jesus to Houston, TX and other cities in the United States.
Seek and Save will bring hope alongside key partnerships such as Convoy of Hope, Teen Challenge,
Chi Alpha, Youth Alive, Intercultural Missions, and Church Mobilization, to provide services such as,
but not limited to: 1. Food distribution 2. Strategic evangelization 3. Community service projects or cleanups 4. Facilitate the rescue of missing persons 5. Revitalize the physical structures of community churches 6. Community festivals with a variety of activities and vendors for children and adults